I encounter a problem alot, as i am actually not very good with words.
I am useless at talking about how i feel.
Confrontation isnt one of my strongest points.
Yet, give me a keyboard or a pen and paper and i'm yours.
I am so much better writing than i am talking, and by that i dont mean that i'm quiet and shy because i swear i'm not.
I just dont think when i speak; whereas when i write, things make more sense and i can be more myself.
Its an awful feeling when you cant find the words for something.
When you need to tell someone and it just wont come out.
You know you should say it, because you feel it so strongly that the whole world should know.. yet you just cant put it into words.
I hate that.
I hate it when there is so much to say, yet so little time and so few ways of actually doing it justice.
I sometimes get scared that some of the most important things happen only in my head - rather than out loud or on paper.
But when you feel something so strongly, sometimes the best way to treasure it is with yourself.
Otherwise, it will become so commonly read and so predicatively cliché that it will lose all meaning and importance to you, and everyone else.
The best feeling is the one that you physically cant express.
Its one that you, as a human being, understand once.
The emotion of not being able to ever do the feeling justice. You just wait until everyone else feels it, just so you know that they may understand.
The person you need to tell about this indescribable feeling knows.
Its so strong that you have given up all hope of ever finding words or actions to portray it, but you have accepted that you cant.
Its comfort enough to know that the person you feel it about, the person that needs to know, does.
Because they feel it to.
You are safe in the knowledge that they understand; that they dont need you to try and explain, because they know.
I dont think i've made much sense.
Unless you know what i'm talking about.
In which case, thankyou.