Monday, January 21, 2008

Now thats a fire!

I will be impressed if i ever meet someone under the age of 30 who knows what i am talking about when i say 'Now thatsa firre!'

I'm watching room 101. I have a white drama mask tied against my mirror, it scares me in the night. Some people have never seen Grease; i find that unbeleivable. There is a conifer in my back garden that leans slightly to the left. Each corner of my headboard has a plastic crown on the pole. The person who lives across the road from me gets ants nests every year. I contantly feel inadiquit at things that i know i'm good at. I dont like maths. I drink more tea than my elderly Nan. One day i will ride on the orient express. I fancy Harrison Ford. My nails only get painted with a colour on when theyre long enough to be seen over the top of my fingers. There is a half eaten Galaxy chocolate egg resting on my remote control. My straighteners are wrapped up in a 'neat' formationn on my tele-cabinet. I played keyboard for about half a month. I went to Byrchall, mainly for the reason my friends did and i didnt want to miss anything. Fiona Phillips is too cheerful for that time in the morning. I'm trying to convince myself that i'm organised enough for tomorrow. I'm clearly not. I've just eaten the Galaxy egg. I dont know what the FTSE is. Rollin' with the homies. I really like Elizabeth Arden, 5th Ave. I wish i spoke french as successfully as i french kiss. Oceanic flight 815 takes over most of my time. Markets go up, markets go down. I lose umbrellas alot. There is a fake red rose on top of my un-used sterio system, a button hole from new year. I've stuck pictures all around the monitor of my old computer. I know what dress i'd like for my leavers dinner. Now thatsa firre.

Love, from, Vicky....x

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